Tag Archives: Tools

Network monitoring: ripe-atlas-monitor

A post I wrote for RIPE Labs has been published today: The RIPE Atlas Monitor – Network Monitoring with RIPE Atlas.

It’s about a Python tool I developed to monitor results collected by RIPE Atlas probes and verify they match against predefined expected values: ripe-atlas-monitor:

descr: Check network reachability
- descr: Probes from France via AS64496
  src_country: FR
  expected_results: ViaAS64496
  actions: EMailToNOC
- descr: RTT from AS64499 and AS64500 below 50ms
  - 64499
  - 64500
  expected_results: LowRTT
  actions: EMailToNOC
    upstream_as: 64496
    rtt: 50
    kind: email
    to_addr: noc@agreatcompany.org
    subject: "ripe-atlas-monitor: unexpected results"
measurement-id: 123456789

For more details: GitHub / official documentation site.

Contributions and suggestions from the community are very welcome!

RIPE Atlas Tracepath v0.3.0

I released a new version of my web application RIPE Atlas Tracepath: v0.3.0. It reads results from RIPE Atlas traceroute measurements and shows Autonomous Systems that probes go through to reach the target.

UPDATE: new versions have been released since this post, with new features and bug fixes: please take a look at the project’s page on GitHub.

In the beginning it was a simple Python script/CGI; the new release has been totally rewritten, it’s now based on the D3.js visualization library and uses a more elegant Python backend based on Flask/WSGI.

Among the new features, probes are also displayed and linked to their origin AS; for those that completed the traceroute toward the target the avg RTT is also rendered in form of a scale of colors. Multiple Autonomous Systems can now be selected and moved together on the graph, in order to obtain the layout that best describes the analyzed scenario.

A demo can be found here. It only shows results from measurement ID 1674977, a traceroute from 50 probes all over the world toward www.ripe.net:

Graph of traceroute to www.ripe.net

More details can be found on the GitHub page; feel free to use/edit/fork/improve it as you whish!

RIPE Atlas: a script to show ASes traversed in traceroute

I released a small Python script which reads results from RIPE Atlas traceroute measurements and shows Autonomous Systems traversed by probes to reach the target: ripeatlastracepath.

UPDATE: the version of RIPE Atlas Tracepath that this post refers to is outdated. A new, totally rewritten version has been released.
The old version of this tool has been moved in the GitHub old_style branch

It uses a library that I wrote to cache RIPEstat results about IP addresses details (ASN, prefix, …), in order to improve performance and to avoid a flood of requests: ipdetailscache.

More details can be found on my GitHub profile page.

A demo can be found here. It can’t be used to process other measurements, it only shows results from measurement ID 1674977, a traceroute from 50 probes all over the world toward www.ripe.net. You can drag&drop ASes to build the layout that best describes your scenario and, once done, you can “save” the graph for later usage. In this demo the “Load graph” button gives a preset of JSON data representing the example graph below:

Graph of traceroute to www.ripe.net

These scripts are not so elegant, but do the job! 😉 They are on GitHub.com, feel free to use/edit/fork/improve them as you whish!

Cisco “clear ip nat translation” helper tool

Have you ever had to clear some specific NAT translations while avoiding to drop them all? You have to enter a long and annoying command such this a lot of times:

clear ip nat translation udp inside 7021 7021 outside 5060 5060

And you know, you have to do it many times, for every NAT entry you have to clear… and those entries are all there, within a single command output:

#show ip nat translations | inc

Well, I was bored once too often, so I’ve built a little tool: you have just to copy show ip nat translations entries you have to clear, paste them into this tool, and it builds the clear ip nat translation statements for you! ready to be pasted into your telnet/ssh client.

It’s an HTML page with a simple javascript; you can find it online, or here is the source code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Cisco "clear ip nat translation" helper</title>
<style type="text/css">
	body,td,th { color:black;font-family:Verdana; font-size: 8pt }
	input, textarea { color:black;font-family:Verdana; font-size: 8pt }

<script type="text/javascript">
	function Do()
		var sEntries = new String();
		sEntries = document.forms['frmMain'].entries.value;

		var sVRF = new String();
		sVRF = document.forms['frmMain'].vrf.value;

		var sReplace;
		if ( sVRF == '' )
			sReplace = "clear ip nat translation $1 inside $2 $3 $4 $5 outside $6 $7 $8 $9"
			sReplace = "clear ip nat translation vrf " + sVRF + " $1 inside $2 $3 $4 $5 outside $6 $7 $8 $9";

		sEntries = sEntries.replace(/^(tcp|udp)s+(d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}):(d+)s+(d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}):(d+)s+(d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}):(d+)s+(d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}.d{1,3}):(d+)/gm, sReplace)

		document.forms['frmMain'].result.value = sEntries;



<form id=frmMain name=frmMain style="MARGIN:0px" action="#">
  <td colspan=2><b>Entries to clear</b></td>
  <td colspan=2>

Paste here the <b>show ip nat translations</b> entries you want to clear:

  <td colspan=2><textarea wrap=off style="white-space:pre; overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y: scroll" name=entries id=entries cols=100 rows=10></textarea></td>

  <td colspan=2><br></td>

  <td colspan=2><b>VRF aware?</b></td>
  <td colspan=2>

If these entries are part of a vrf, write here the vrf name, otherwise leave this box empty:

  <td><b>VRF name:</b></td>
  <td><input type=text name=vrf id=vrf size=15 value=""></td>

  <td colspan=2><br></td>

  <td colspan=2><b>Results</b></td>
  <td colspan=2><textarea wrap=off style="white-space:pre; overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y: scroll; WIDTH:99%" readonly name=result id=result cols=100 rows=10></textarea></td>

  <td colspan=2><br></td>

  <td colspan=2 align=center><input type=button onclick="Do()" value="  Build clear ip nat translation statements  "></td>



by Pier Carlo Chiodi - AKA Pierky<br>
Blog: <a href="http://blog.pierky.com" target="_blank">http://blog.pierky.com</a><br>
Contact me: <a href="http://piercarlochiodi.tel" target="_blank">http://piercarlochiodi.tel</a><br>
