Author Archives: Pier Carlo Chiodi

Zabbix: send SMS using gammu-smsd

Recently I needed to setup a Zabbix distribution with SMS notifications. I had a Momo Design MD-@ USB Internet key to be used as GSM modem, with a BT Italia (Vodafone) SIM card. I used the 1.8.5 version of Zabbix, installed using the apt tool on a Ubuntu 11.10.

The Zabbix built-in SMS notification system seemed to have a bug, which cause a triple notification to be sent on every trigger action (bug ID ZBX-3507), so I preferred to use an external (custom) script and a third party tool: gammu-smsd.

This daemon connects to the GSM modem and listens for an outgoing queue; when you need to send a message, you just have to “inject” it into its queue, then it does the rest.


As soon as I plugged the USB key into the server, Ubuntu recognized it:

Oct 27 13:57:08 MyMachineName kernel: [764858.260009] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device number 2 using uhci_hcd
Oct 27 13:57:08 MyMachineName kernel: [764858.481158] cdc_acm 4-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
Oct 27 13:57:08 MyMachineName kernel: [764858.484118] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
Oct 27 13:57:08 MyMachineName kernel: [764858.484121] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters

Then I installed gammu-smsd and edited its configuration file:

apt-get install gammu-smsd
cat /etc/gammu-smsdrc

# Configuration file for Gammu SMS Daemon

# Gammu library configuration, see gammurc(5)
# Please configure this!
port = /dev/ttyACM0
connection = at
# Debugging
logformat = textall

# SMSD configuration, see gammu-smsdrc(5)
service = files
logfile = /var/log/gammu-smsd
# Increase for debugging information
debuglevel = 0
ReceiveFrequency = 300
# Paths where messages are stored
inboxpath = /var/spool/gammu/inbox/
outboxpath = /var/spool/gammu/outbox/
sentsmspath = /var/spool/gammu/sent/
errorsmspath = /var/spool/gammu/error/

The port parameter is the device where the modem is mapped. This may change on other system.

I changed the logfile parameter also, because by default it is configured to log to syslog. You need to give the right permissions to it:

chmod a+rw /var/log/gammu-smsd

The ReceiveFrequency is used to tell gammu-smsd how often to check for incoming SMS; by default it is every 1 second, but in my case I didn’t need to receive SMS, so I raised it to 5 minutes.

An important parameter is PIN on the [smsd] section: in my case I removed the PIN check from my SIM card, so I didn’t use it in the configuration file.

In order to avoid “Cannot open file” errors, I also granted access to the device to everyone:

chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0

At this time I reloaded gammu-smsd and tested the configuration:

/etc/init.d/gammu-smsd restart
echo "Test message" | gammu-smsd-inject TEXT 335123456

(replace 335123456 with your mobile phone number!)

The gammu-smsd-monitor utility let you to check your modem status too.

In order to rotate gammu-smsd log file, I wrote a logrotate.d configuration file too:

cat /etc/logrotate.d/gammu-smsd
/var/log/gammu-smsd {
    rotate 7

Zabbix configuration

As first I configured a new media type using the Zabbix administration front-end:

Administration / Media types -> Create Media Type

Description: SMS-via-gammu
Type: Script
Script name: sendsms

sendsms is the name of the external script I used for my custom notification system.

Then I configured the new media type for my Zabbix user:

Administration / Users -> select Users in the top right corner – edit your user Media: Add

Type: SMS-via-gammu
Send to: 335123456
When active, Use if severity: as you wish
Status: Enabled

Of course, I had an Action configured too, but for more information I suggest you to read about it on the official documentation page.

In order to configure Zabbix to use external notification scripts, I verified that the AlertScriptsPath was present in the configuration file:

cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf | grep AlertScriptsPath

/etc/zabbix/alert.d is the directory where notifications script have to be.

Then I added the zabbix user to the gammu group, in order to give it the right permissions to inject messages into the outgoing gammu queue…

adduser zabbix gammu

… then I restarted Zabbix:

/etc/init.d/zabbix-server restart

This is the script I used to inject Zabbix notifications into the gammu outgoing queue (/etc/zabbix/alert.d/sendsms):


# $1    recipient
# $2    subject
# $3    message

TMPFILE=`mktemp -t`

echo "$3" >> $TMPFILE

cat $TMPFILE | gammu-smsd-inject TEXT $1

chmod a+x /etc/zabbix/alert.d/sendsms

At this time I tested it by creating a new trigger with fake values (temperature < 100 °C, or everything else could let an action to be raised).

References Configuration page on the official documentation site

gammu-smsd: Gammu SMSD

Remember the “vlan dot1q tag native” command: untagged ingress frames are dropped!

Today I got crazy with a pair of switches dropping traffic on a 802.1q trunk. Finally, I realized the real problem was a leak in my brain, which led me to forgot how things work!

The scenario I worked on had two switches, a 3560 and a 2960, with a 802.1q (etherchannel) trunk between them; the 3560 was the gateway for the VLAN 100 while on the 2960 I only had some access ports and the management interface.


! Port-channel toward 2960, 802.1q trunk carrying VLAN 100
interface Port-channel1
 description 3560-to-2960
 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
 switchport trunk native vlan 100
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport nonegotiate
! Native VLAN tagging
vlan dot1q tag native
! VLAN 100 declaration
vlan 100
! Layer3 interface for VLAN 100
interface Vlan100
 description SVI100
 ip address


! Port-channel toward 3560, 802.1q trunk carrying VLAN 100
interface Port-channel1
 description 2960-to-3560
 switchport trunk native vlan 100
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 200
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport nonegotiate
! VLAN 100 declaration
vlan 100
! Default management interface is shutdown
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
 no ip route-cache
! Management interface
interface Vlan100
 ip address
 no ip route-cache

A ping from the 3560 toward the 2960 (where I ran a debug ip icmp) showed that ICMP echo requests was coming to the switch, replies were crafted by 2960 but they never arrived to 3560.

When I focused on the native VLANs topic, I found they were aligned on both switches: I thought that frames leaving 2960 toward 3560 were untagged (because of the switchport trunk native vlan 100 command) but on 3560 side they should be accepted thanks to the same command. Here I was wrong! I missed the vlan dot1q tag native full behaviour, which means that every untagged ingress frame is dropped, even if it matches the configured native VLAN.

In order to get this configuration to work properly, I had to ensure that every 2960 egress frame was tagged, but it seems 2960s don’t support native VLAN tagging: here I had not the vlan dot1q tag native global configuration capability, nor the switchport trunk native vlan tag interface command, so I removed the switchport trunk native vlan 100 command and everything worked.

References Command Lookup Tool

Cisco Support Community: cat2960 native vlan tagged on trunk discussion

One single route-map for both IPv4 and IPv6 BGP prefixes

I just want to share here a note-to-myself about route-maps and IPv4/IPv6 BGP prefixes matching.

R1 and R2 were BGP speakers, R1 was announcing both IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes to R2 and I wanted to set, let’s say, different weights on those prefixes: weight = 4 to the IPv4 prefix and weight = 6 to the IPv6 prefix. It’s stupid, of course, but it’s just to simplify the real task I had to face. 🙂

Read more …

Hosts Subnets Monitor (HSM): get notified when hosts’ subnets change

In the recent past I have been tasked to block traffic from a LAN segment toward some public websites by blackholing their subnets.

While this approach may be not fully convincing, it is easy to implement and with few impacts on the infrastructure. The real problem is the management overhead it introduces, since websites may change the IP subnet they are run on.

How does it work?

In order to ease this task I wrote a little script which, given a hosts list, resolves IP addresses and gets the most specific subnet they fall on. Public whois databases are used to acquire subnet information: RIPE RIS, TeamCymru IP to ASN Mapping, RIRs databases. Some of them (RIPE RIS and TeamCymru IP-to-ASN) are based on BGP feeds collected around the world, others (RIRs databases) are based on LIRs allocations and assignments; the configuration section of the script allows to set which databases have to be used and how.


The script is written in Linux Bash and uses some basic programs and an optional (but really recommended) Perl addition (implemented in the file).

The programs used by the script are dig (to resolve hostnames in IP addresses), whois (the improved Whois client by Marco D’Itri, to get data from whois databases) and sendmail, alias of exim4 (to send email notifications when subnets change).

The script needs the NetAddr::IP::Lite module, which can be installed using the CPAN installer:

LINUX:~#perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan>install NetAddr::IP::Lite

How to use it

To be used it just needs the “hosts” file in the working directory (/var/local/hsm by default) containing a list of hosts to be monitored:

LINUX:/var/local/hsm#cat hosts

In order to receive email notifications the EMAIL_TO parameter has to be set with a working email address.

The script

Following is an excerpt from the script, I suggest you to read it since it contains some (I think) useful notes and configuration options; in the bottom of this post you may find the link to download it.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Everything is done in the DATA_DIR directory (default to /var/local/hsm); HSM
# reads a list of hosts to monitor from the 'hosts' file and, for each of them, it
# resolves the IP address and gets its subnet.
# In order to identify the subnet, it queries public databases using the whois
# client: it may be configured to use the following sources (see CONFIGURATION):
# - RIPE RIS database:
# - TeamCymru IP to ASN Mapping:
# - general RIRs databases
# Subnets are stored in the 'subnets' file; at the end of the execution, if there
# are new subnets HSM notifies them in the output. It also notifies expired
# subnets, that is subnets appeared in the past which seem to be not binded to
# hosts anymore.
# Output is written to the 'output' file; you may let HSM to send the output by
# email too.
# The script may be scheduled to be run periodically through the crontab file.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dig           Used to resolve hostnames
# whois         I used the improved Whois client by Marco D'Itri:
# sendmail      Used as alias of exim4; optional, only if EMAIL_TO is set
# awk, grep,    Some basic utilities
# tail, sed
# Highly Recommended:
# Perl with NetAddr::IP::Lite module, in order to execute the script.
# section for more details about it.
# Developed and tested under Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch).

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date          Ver.    Note
# 2010-11-15    0.1     First release
# If you configure HSM to not use the script (see CONFIGURATION for
# more details) you have to consider the following issues:
# - subnets are stored as they appear on the whois output; that is
# &quot;; is different from &quot; -;. This may lead
# to a wrong behaviour when the same IP address is queried against a whois
# database which returns information in a format different from the previous one.
# - when GENERAL whois is used, or when GETLONGESTMATCH = 1, there are no
# guarantees that the more specific subnet is choosen among those returned.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------
# If USEHSMUTILS = 1 then HSM uses the file.
# It is a Perl script which implements some functions
# performing subnets normalization and selection. It is
# needed to solve some issues reported in the CHANGE LOG
# &amp; KNOWN ISSUES section. If you can't run a Perl script
# or you prefer to avoid it you may set USEHSMUTILS to 0.

HSMUTILSPATH=`dirname $0`/

# ------------------------------------
# Where files are stored:
# - the file containing the input hosts list ('hosts')
# - one file for each IP address resolved by hostnames
# - the subnets file ('subnets'), where subnets information are stored
# - the output file ('output')
# - temporary files
# No trailing slash.


# ------------------------------------
# If USECACHE = 1 then IP addresses resolved by hostnames
# are checked against whois databases only if they were
# checked before CACHE_TIME days ago.


# ------------------------------------
# HSM sends this number of DNS queries in order to resolve
# hostnames IP addresses. It may be useful to discover IP
# address of hostnames with round-robin records.


# ------------------------------------
# When a subnet is not seen for more than SUBNET_EXPIRY days
# it is removed from the subnets file and a notification
# is written in the output.


# ------------------------------------
# WHOIS_LIST contains a list of sources to be used to get
# subnets information from IP addresses.
# The following sources are allowed:
# Sources are used in the order they appear in the list.
# If GETLONGESTMATCH = 0, as soon as HSM succeds to obtain
# the subnet it stops searching.
# If a source is not working properly it uses the next one.
# If GETLONGESTMATCH = 1 HSM grabs results from all the
# listed sources, then uses the most specific one.


# ------------------------------------
# Set EMAIL_TO with your email address if you want the output
# to be sent by email. The other parameters are optional.


Download and installation

Here you can download the scriptLicensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

To run it:

LINUX:/usr/local/bin#tar -xf hsm.tar # extract it
LINUX:/usr/local/bin#nano hsm # do your configuration
LINUX:/usr/local/bin#nano /var/local/hsm/hosts # edit hosts you want to monitor
LINUX:/usr/local/bin#./hsm # run it

You may also schedule it using crontab:

LINUX:/usr/local/bin#cat /etc/crontab
# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab


# m h dom mon dow user  command
53 22   * * *   root    /usr/local/bin/hsm

Any feedback, comment or suggestion is appreciated! 🙂

Quando la funzione non funziona…