Tag Archives: RIPE Atlas

RIPE Atlas: a script to show ASes traversed in traceroute

I released a small Python script which reads results from RIPE Atlas traceroute measurements and shows Autonomous Systems traversed by probes to reach the target: ripeatlastracepath.

UPDATE: the version of RIPE Atlas Tracepath that this post refers to is outdated. A new, totally rewritten version has been released.
The old version of this tool has been moved in the GitHub old_style branch

It uses a library that I wrote to cache RIPEstat results about IP addresses details (ASN, prefix, …), in order to improve performance and to avoid a flood of requests: ipdetailscache.

More details can be found on my GitHub profile page.

A demo can be found here. It can’t be used to process other measurements, it only shows results from measurement ID 1674977, a traceroute from 50 probes all over the world toward www.ripe.net. You can drag&drop ASes to build the layout that best describes your scenario and, once done, you can “save” the graph for later usage. In this demo the “Load graph” button gives a preset of JSON data representing the example graph below:

Graph of traceroute to www.ripe.net

These scripts are not so elegant, but do the job! 😉 They are on GitHub.com, feel free to use/edit/fork/improve them as you whish!

DNSSEC-aware resolvers among RIPE Atlas probes

After reading the interesting post by Stéphane Bortzmeyer on RIPE Labs (How Many RIPE Atlas Probes Can Resolve IPv6-only Domain Names?) I wondered how many RIPE Atlas probes used DNSSEC aware resolvers, so I tried to setup some measures and some comparisons.

As also expressed in the aforementioned post, it should be noted that RIPE Atlas probes can’t be used to represent general behaviors of Internet users; they are excellent “toys” in the hands of network engineers but nobody can ensure that their configuration reflects the one used in production environments by users or by servers or by applications.

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