Tag Archives: ElasticSearch

Displaying pmacct country code on a Kibana 4 map

On the Integration of pmacct with ElasticSearch and Kibana post a user (Xentoo) asked how to display geographic information provided by pmacct on a Kibana 4 map using pmacct-to-elasticsearch.

An experimental feature of p2es called transformations can be used to add a Geo Point field on the basis of the country code provided by pmacct.


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Integration of pmacct with ElasticSearch and Kibana

In this post I want to show a solution based on a script (pmacct-to-elasticsearch) that I made to gather data from pmacct and visualize them using Kibana/ElasticSearch. It’s far from being the state of the art of IP accounting solutions, but it may be used as a starting point for further customizations and developments.

I plan to write another post with some ideas to integrate pmacct with the canonical ELK stack (ElasticSearch/Logstash/Kibana). As usual, add my RSS feed to your reader or follow me on Twitter to stay updated!

The big picture

This is the big picture of the proposed solution:

pmacct-to-elasticsearch - The big picture

There are 4 main actors: pmacct daemons (we already saw how to install and configure them) that collect accounting data, pmacct-to-elasticsearch, which reads pmacct’s output, processes it and sends it to ElasticSearch, where data are stored and organized into indices and, at last, Kibana, that is used to chart them on a web frontend.

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